My story

Created by maria 16 years ago
Kirsty was a special kind careing little girl. She is greatly missed by me her mum and her sister Sheree. Life with out her will not ever be the same. Each and every day is long and hard to get through. How much i long to have my precious little baby back. The story starts back in january the 19th 2004, when my little girl woke up and she had had a stroke. This was so unreal to see, a five year old dragging her right arm and leg, yet she wasn't concerned at all. All Kirsty was bothered about was making sure her hair was in pony tails so she looked nice for the boys in her class. She had some how managed to get her self down the ladders of her captains bed and get all of her school uniform on. Kirsty came in to my room and asked for me to put her hair in pony tails. I was gob smacked! I rang the doctors and got an appointment with in the hour but Kirsty insisted on coming to school with me and her sister sheree. Kirsty's teacher told her she must go to the doctors before she came back to school, Kirsty wanted to stay at school. We went to the doctors who sent us straight to the hospital. At four oclock that night the doctors took me to one side and told me that Kirsty had got a brainstem glioma! Six to nine months they gave her to live! After spending a week in the hospital we were allowed to bring Kirsty home. Thats when the reality started to set in. We nursed Kirsty at home were i thought it would be better for her, besides i didn't want my daughter to be looked after by strangers. We spent alot of time going to the hospital in the hope that Kirsty would be able to have some cemotherapy, (i don't know how to spell that word). Her chances soon became slim because she deteriorated so quickly. She could hardly speak let alone get out of bed. She had a pipe through her nose were i had to feed her milk and give her the vast amount of drugs she was on.I cared for my baby 24 hours a day and this was hard work but i wouldn't have done it any other way. I watched my baby, she was still my same little girl but the illness was making her appearence slowly change. She was given all the love in the world by me and her sister and all the family and friends. On the morning of the ninth of march Kirsty was having a bed bath, i noticed her little fingers and toes were turning slightly blue, looking back now i know that i knew then that this was going to be my little girls last day, but nothing could prepare me for what was going to happen.Kirsty spent the whole day in bed that day, The only words she managed to say were " i love you mum". It was a very slow hard day, all the time i noticed her colour was changing from pink to white to blue. Then at 3.45 Kirsty started to be sick like she never had before, i picked her up and sat on the sofa holding her close to me. At 3.55 Sheree her sister came back home, when she looked at me and Kirsty she must have known what was happening because she just came over an nelt down beside us and cuddled us both. Kirsty opened her eyes for the first time that day and just looked at me, Inside i felt she needed to go, so both me and Sheree kissed her, all the time all three of us were just holding each other tightly. At four oclock kirsty shut her eyes and took in a big breath, this was to be her last one. My baby had died. I held her for what sempt like hours, i didn't want to put her down, i couldn't let her go, And i still to this day cannot let her go!. x x x x x

